
Smart Navigation for Electric Vehicles

Relax with the e-car throughout Europe

charge trip


Traveling long distances with electric cars can be complicated. Especially if you drive across borders. Where can I find the next charging station? Are there any alternative charging stations in the area if the car is already occupied? Which charging station costs how much?

ChargeTrip is the simple answer to these questions. The app provides the perfect route planner for e-drivers, which can save a lot of time, money and nerves. As data and system specialists, we have significantly helped develop ChargeTrip.

ChargeTrip has hit the nerve of the moment. After a few months, the app already used 40,000 drivers throughout Europe. In particular, Norway is taking a pioneering role in electromobility. We congratulate ChargeTrip on this rocket launch and are proud to be a part of it.




Transportation & Mobility

 Smart Navigation for Electric Vehicles
 Smart Navigation for Electric Vehicles

Calculation of the most comfortable route

The route is calculated in a fraction of a second using countless data points. The app does not necessarily indicate the fastest, but the most sensible route for drivers of electric cars.

To construct the application required continuous business coaching. First, countless records of maps and recharge locations had to be evaluated. Then we worked out a sophisticated algorithm that evaluated the needs of e-drivers. And finally, we built a powerful IT catalyst.

 Smart Navigation for Electric Vehicles
Cloud Connection - ChargeTrip
Cloud Connection - ChargeTrip
Cloud Connection - ChargeTrip